19th September 2024

Search Brailsford Parish Council

Brailsford Parish Council Serving the people of Brailsford

Outline planning application for the erection of up to 70 houses with approval being sought for access

The PC will be repeating its objection to this application which lies outside the current development boundary, was previously refused and reported as unsuitable for development in the SHLAA relating to the current local plan. Its status has not been changed in the current SHLAA.We would encourage local residents to make their views known to the Planning Authority by 5 Aug 24.Brailsford has already doubled in size and is considered to be over developed. We consider that this application simply adds to the urban sprawl which reduces the quality of life for our residents.The new Local Plan will significantly reduce the number of homes required in Derbyshire Dales with this application representing a whole year of development and the construction of homes which it is now recognised do not meet local need. Proposed changes to the national planning guidance also appear to be directing estate and large scale development to major conurbations which provide the economic background (jobs) and transport required for the 3rd decade of the 21 century and to brownfield and grey field (low grade land) and not to prime agricultural land in a rural and largely agricultural area.

Posted: Fri, 19 Jul 2024

Tags: Planning